Have you ever searched for Bill Murray related items on Etsy? What am I saying? Of course you have!
I myself just decided to do this today, and I was delighted (and a little frightened) by what I found.
For instance, you can buy buttons made out of photos of his movie roles and his teeth (photos of his teeth...not his actual teeth. That's a little to Angelina and Billy-Bob for me). And how about a baby onsie (I'm sure all pregnant friend would love this...or completely stop talking to me) or a $10 temporary tattoo? And most things are organized under the appropriate heading of "Geekery."
This really proves two things that I have always known:
1. People will buy anything
2. I am not alone in my adoration of Mr. Bill Murray.
Though, if we're being honest here, the only thing I would buy is the coffee mug.