Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jimmy Stewart Museum, Continued.

Whilst at the Jimmy Stewart Museum, I found one of the best souvineres I have ever seen. It's a mug that looks like this:
(the mysterious side)

(this side is pretty self-explanatory)

Until you pour something hot into it....then the shadow turns into....


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jimmy Stewart Museum

As a (one of the best) surprise, Becca took me to the Jimmy Stewart Museum Sunday past. I was so excited; I'd wanted to go there for ages (or ever since I knew it existed). We drove an hour over winding roads and snowy lanes to get there, and even though it was terribly cold out, it was so worth it.
(statue of Jimmy outside city hall)

(Becca in front of the museum)

The museum is located in Jimmy's home town of Indiana, PA, on the third floor of the public library (because librarians are way cooler than you may have been led to believe). Inside are private photos, memorabilia from Jimmy's dad's hardware store, biographical information, information about Jimmy's films and Air Force service, costumes, and replicas of both his childhood bedroom and his office (the office is all of Jimmy's own stuff; everything is arranged in the same way that he arranged it). The guide who was working on Sunday was so fab; he was friendly and knowledgeable. You could tell he was into Jimmy as well. They even show a Jimmy Stewart film in the old-fashioned theatre in the museum.

(the Jimmy Stewart Museum)

If you've never seen a Jimmy Stewart film, then you really are missing out. He did so many films that there's really something for everyone. Some of my other favourites include The Philadelphia Story (which he won an Oscar for), Vertigo, Harvey, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

Jimmy has been part of my life since I was a child. I grew up watching his films, my family watches It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve, and even my high school history teacher used to quote Jimmy in class ("I want a big one!") He is truly one of the greatest actors ever, and he's someone who was also a wonderful person. They seriously don't make them like that anymore. 


(Spending some time with Harvey)

Please visit the museum if you are ever in the Pittsburgh area. Or make it a reason to drive to Pittsburgh or a nearby city. It's worth the drive (a drive which you might even enjoy because of the rolling hills and beautiful fall or spring foliage). You can also purchase Jimmy Stewart related items (films, etc) by shopping on the museum's website. Shopping through the website also helps support the museum.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This evening I tried out the self-checkout lane at BJ's (yes, the wholesale club; I have intense cashew needs. And their lunchmeat is super cheap). Things were going fine, and I was about to get out of there in record time card wouldn't work. You have to swipe your membership card to begin, but mine wasn't registering. I couldn't figure it out, and, to boot, there was a woman behind me who was looking at my cart and commenting to her friend on what I was buying. Such cheek.

And then I realized it...I was trying to use my library card instead of my membership card. 

Sheepishly, I pulled the correct card from my wallet, and swiped it really fast. Did the lady behind me notice, or was she too busy contemplating the soy milk in my basket? Who knows. 

I'm exhausted.

Monday, January 24, 2011

When Winter Does Its Thing

Today I took the train (the only train) back to Philly from Altoona. I spent a lovely long weekend at my friend Becca's house, and it was so nice to get away for a bit. 

Anyway, it was so cold this morning (zero degrees according to Becca's thermometer), and the train was delayed two hours because the signals/switches were frozen. This happened around Johnstown where the train just sat for quite a while. This gave Becca and I the chance to stop by Tom & Joe's for some much needed tea and coffee before I finally got on my way.

Regardless of the delay, I still like train travel better than flying. Yes, flying is so much more convenient when you have to be somewhere that you have hotel reservations or work obligations, but when you're just going to visit someone and have a laid back weekend it's nice to have a laid back trip to your destination.

Because I clearly like to make lists, here are some reasons why the train is much better:
1. No size limits for your liquids. (I can't explain how happy I was to bring my normal-sized perfume bottle)
2. Reasonable luggage limits; plenty of overhead and end of the car storage too (the end of the car storage can get tricky sometimes, though). Remember: the heavier the suitcase, the more weightlifting you should probably do beforehand.
3. Footrests and ample leg room for us tall people (at no extra cost...suck it airlines!)!!
4. Decent-sized loos; you don't have to feel like you're peeing in a broom closet (though they're still public loos so sometimes they're as gross as the airplane).
5. No getting to the station two hours (or more) ahead of time.
6. No invasive pat-downs or mandatory shoe removal.
7. If you're sitting on the aisle, no one comes along with a drink cart and smacks you in the elbow/foot/side of your head.

Now all I need is more allotted travel time for work trips, and I'm all set!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fighting with Hank

How sad is it that I'm currently having a fight with my pet cockatiel...and that I feel bad for punishing him? And by punishing him, I mean keeping his cage (mostly) covered and not talking to him for 24 hours. He has been so awful lately. He screams bloody murder every time I uncover the cage or try to let him out. And every time I peek into his cage to make sure he has water/food/is still alive, he hisses at me.

Then, the other night he did a pretty gross thing. I finally coaxed him out, and he sat there on top of his cage looking around. Quietly, he edged over to the side of the cage. I thought he might take off and fly around the apartment, so I started taking my clean clothes off of the drying rack and folding them up so they wouldn't get feathers on them. Hank stared at me the entire time, malice in his beady little bird eyes.


He puffed himself up really big, and then let the biggest poo drop directly onto the carpet. And he held my gaze the whole time as if to say, "This is what I think of you, lady!" It was disgusting...I had no idea such a big turd could come out of a little bird. 

I couldn't get to the bottle of carpet cleaner fast enough. 

So uncool, Hank.

I don't know if he just wants to hibernate the winter months away, if he is going through the terrible twos, or if he has decided to reinvent himself as Emo Bird. But I hope he snaps out of it soon.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Comfortable Language

Even though I think I am a mostly glass half full kind of person, sometimes I feel like I'm too negative.There are many factors contributing to my negativity, but some days are worse than others. In an effort to combat these frustrating/negative feelings, here is a list of words I like to bookend my list of words that make me feel ill.

Disclaimer: These are in no particular order or language.

Phantasmagoric: I first read this word in an Edgar Allan Poe story; I first heard it used in conversation in Dr. Roth's creative writing class. I just love the sound of it and all the crazy mental images it conjures up.

Insuppportable: Spanish for insupportable. This is one of those words that I understand completely in Spanish, yet I struggle to explain it in English.

Whilst: Gleaned from my British obsession. I just love how it connects the sentence together so much better than "while." I admit that when someone uses it in everyday conversation, it can sound a bit pompous, but it's just so aesthetically pleasing. And I must also confess that I use it sometimes in everyday conversation/emails. It just slips out.

Bananarama: All-girl pop group from England in the 1980s (recently staged a come-back tour). Technically more of a name than a general word, but I always wish there were more occasions to say "Bananarama" with an English accent.

Oy: There are endless situations that could use a good "oy." I don't think you need to be Jewish to say it. The Jewish people I know are all really nice, so I don't think they'd mind sharing their "oy." To follow are some examples of how I use oy:
  • "Oy! I've never been so tired."
  • "Oy! Why would he want to marry her?"
  • "Oy! the amount of crap I carry in this bag is unbelievable"
  • and my personal favourite: "Oy with the poodles already!"

Flughaffen: German for airport. Ties with Schuss for my favourite German word(s).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A very good friend of mine recently asked me if I wanted a kindle for Christmas.Thankfully, she understood why I said "no, thank you" (though I really appreciated and was surprised by the offer!). I just love real books too much (my very good friend also shares this sentiment): the feel of the paper, the smell (of old books and new), and the freedom to underline a favorite phrase. Speaking from a student's perspective, I also really appreciate the ability to flip back and forth easily-especially when I'm looking for a specific part of the book but am unclear on the exact chapter it's located in.

I will admit that loading several books onto the slim, easy-to-tote kindle/nook/what-have-you would be worlds better than jamming 6 hardback books into my carryon bag (and occasionally forgoing an extra shirt or two just to accommodate), but I just can't bring myself to convert. I get tired of looking at a computer screen (even though the e-readers are reputed to have excellent back lighting and are easier on the eyes than a tv or computer screen), and I daily look forward to reading an actual book on my lunch break or on the train.

Bring on the paperbacks! I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned kind of girl.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Last Days of Freedom

With the end of my Christmas break approaching, I just can't seem to find the motivation to begin my final year of grad school. I never really thought it would be harder to work full time and go to school part time, and I miss stress free weekends when I'm deep in the midst of a semester.

So lately, I've been running around the house trying to complete all the projects and rearranging that I can never get to when I have homework looming over my head. I cleaned up the floor by my desk, cleaned out and rearranged my bureau drawers, cleaned like a madwoman, and filed away photos, bills, etc. Next I knitted myself a new pair of gloves, a couple preemie hats for the hospital, and am starting another crafty project or three. My cousin is having another baby so here comes another birth announcement and baby blanket (though the blanket can wait a tiny while...I'm still not thrilled about knitting those squares yet....maybe I need a new pattern for something different?)

My cousin Dan (who has his Ph.D.), says that halfway through grad school, you sit back and wonder, "why am I doing this to myself?" I know why I'm doing this, but some days, I'd rather knit a hat and watch Gilmore Girls.

But for now a HUGE congratulations to my friend Becca who recently finished her MFA!!! You are inspiring me to keep on going. :-)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!! 

(Hank celebrates by flying across the room)

So it's 2011 now...where's my hoverboard?