Monday, January 3, 2011

Last Days of Freedom

With the end of my Christmas break approaching, I just can't seem to find the motivation to begin my final year of grad school. I never really thought it would be harder to work full time and go to school part time, and I miss stress free weekends when I'm deep in the midst of a semester.

So lately, I've been running around the house trying to complete all the projects and rearranging that I can never get to when I have homework looming over my head. I cleaned up the floor by my desk, cleaned out and rearranged my bureau drawers, cleaned like a madwoman, and filed away photos, bills, etc. Next I knitted myself a new pair of gloves, a couple preemie hats for the hospital, and am starting another crafty project or three. My cousin is having another baby so here comes another birth announcement and baby blanket (though the blanket can wait a tiny while...I'm still not thrilled about knitting those squares yet....maybe I need a new pattern for something different?)

My cousin Dan (who has his Ph.D.), says that halfway through grad school, you sit back and wonder, "why am I doing this to myself?" I know why I'm doing this, but some days, I'd rather knit a hat and watch Gilmore Girls.

But for now a HUGE congratulations to my friend Becca who recently finished her MFA!!! You are inspiring me to keep on going. :-)


  1. Yaaaay! Thank you! And it is SO worth it! I wish I could just keep going this year and not have to be done. :) See you in a few weeks!

  2. You can do my studies for me, and I will bask in the post-Masters glow for you. :-) See you soon!
