Monday, July 18, 2011

Cheerio, Harry. It's Been Swell.

Saturday brought us the last Harry Potter. I know technically it was released on Friday, but I didn't attempt to see it until Saturday. There are two reasons for this: 1.) I wanted to avoid herds of children and 2.) Saturday is the day that my brother's girlfriend Morgan invited me. I went with the two of them and my sister. 

Because it was the last Harry Potter film, something bigger and different must be done. After all, when the last book was released, I didn't feel like we could celebrate that as a group. Reading it was a solitary experience for me, and I wanted it that way. But the film! THAT we could have fun with. 

We four went to the Imax theatre at the Franklin Institute, which, to say the least, scared the crap out of me.  I didn't know that the seats were going to be positioned so steeply...I think my sister said that we were actually sitting at a height equivalent to a four story building.

Have I mentioned my fear of heights? Is it evident in this photo?

Besides he height and the 3-D magic, I sort of felt like I was sitting in an egg. The theatre was domed, and everything had this greenish tint to it. You could tell the screen itself was white, but everything else was completely thrown off by the lack of bright lighting. It was super different from the regular theatre. 

(Even the Budd is weirded out)

I'm glad we did it that way, though. It made me feel like I was in a "Cinema of the Future!" You know, like some scientist's projection of how people of the future will watch films....

Cheerio, Harry!


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