Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mice Are NOT Friends

One of the joys of working in a city would be the ever-present creatures you encounter on a daily basis. No, I'm not talking about creepy men on the subway; I'm talking about mice. I grew up on a farm-complete with field mice and the occasional snake-but I am still freaked out by city mice.They're just so dirty...hanging out in sewers and people's garbage. While a field mouse, who might scare the crap out of you when you open the barrel of horse food, just hangs out in a field with the corn.

I bring this up because my office has been invaded by mice. I've been here for almost five years (whoa), and we've only ever had the occasional mouse. Now there are so many more; apparently it has become a building-wide problem. Twice in the past month, I have arrive to find that the mouse left some evidence of his visit. Right on the desk. Except that time that he actually got into my desk drawer.

That is not the way to start a Tuesday.

And what is the office doing about it? Offering me a glue trap to stick near my desk. This glue trap comes with the office manager's tales of finding just feet on her trap because the mouse chewed them off to get away.

How about making the cleaning ladies, um, I don't know, clean? Vacuum? That might help a wee bit.

Add to this a report that one of the girls found a roach on the bathroom sink (and don't even get me started on the bathroom). NO amount of farm living will EVER make you comfortable around a cockroach...mainly because I've never seen those awful brown giant things hanging out in the barn.

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