Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinterest: Fun, Snobby, or Both?

When I was a kid, I had a corkboard on my wall. I LOVED this thing. I spent hours organizing it with photos I cut out of magazines of houses, clothes/shoes, and teen movie-star crushes. Now the interwebs have taken this to a whole new level.

Perhaps you have heard of Pinterest? I've been looking at Joanna's from Cup of Jo, and I must say that this looks like the best idea in a while. How many times do you find something online that you wish you could post somewhere? For me this is something that happens constantly. I usually just save the link in an email and either forget about it or find that, six months later, the link is broken. 

So I signed up for Pinterest. But the super annoying thing is that you have to request an invite. Really? I'm not trying to meet the Queen of England. I just want a virtual cork board thing. I've been seeing this invite business more and more, and I'm wondering if it's the new cool/elitist thing for websites to do. 

Now I'm just sitting here, trying to procrastinate from a myriad of other things, and waiting for that invite to show up in my email. Meanwhile several Facebook friends are working on their boards and finding the cool stuff (by the way, thanks again Facebook for finding another way to make me feel bad about my life). I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm waiting excitedly. But I still feel like I'm back in high school, and I'm the only kid who doesn't have the internet because my parents think it's just a fad (this seriously happened to me).

For those of you who have Pinterest, please enjoy it for me. It's basically cutting things out of magazines but with unlimited space and no papercuts. Totally fab. But for now, my email list of links will have to suffice....


  1. Hi Mel,

    I signed up for Pinterest as well and wondered the same thing about the invite. Then, I heard that the invite setup isn't meant to create exclusivity, but rather because the Pinterest people receive requests for new accounts faster than they can set them up. The waiting period is due to the fact that they just have a ton of new accounts to set up.

    It doesn't take too long, though. And it is pretty fun! :)

  2. Thanks, Steph. I was wondering about that. I guess it's still in its experimental phase?
