Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hank wishes everyone a Happy New Year! Today he's on tv!

Just kidding. Hank really goes for the pun-based humour.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Packing Material

I never have the proper packing material. Some people send me things with those fancy air cushions in between the items (or bubble wrap around everything). But I never have bubble wrap; if I've sent anyone a gift with an air cushion it's only because I received an air cushion filled box from the day before. Instead I mainly use newspaper, tissue paper, or a really small box that won't allow items to shift.

I recently bought some Christmas sweets from Etsy, and the sender clearly had the same shipping tendencies as myself. In lieu of an air cushion was the following crumpled up shopping bag (an idea I'll be using in the future). However, this was a shopping bag that attempted to brighten up one's day by evoking a classic (read: corny) joke:

Original Joke as told to me by one Liz L. in college:
Q: What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
A: Nacho cheese

We're here all week, ladies and gentlemen. Try the veal!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


One of the BEST people and grandfathers ever. You will be missed a ton.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kindle vs. An Actual Book

The subject of an e-reader vs. a book made from paper is something I've talked about beforeBut it's something that presents itself once again due to my friends having them and my constant dilemma of trying to decide which books to take on work trips and vacations. Sometimes this quandary is not too intense, but this is only when I have a stack of New Yorker issues that I need to catch up on. However, this is not always the case.

I am not the only one. This short post on one of my favourite sites touches on a lot of the same reasons why I cannot break down and get one (or ask for one for Christmas/birthdays/graduation).

I recently put this choice in the hands of fate. Except Fate was an elderly lady with a Boston accent. She was walking around the convention hall where I was trying to give away copies of some environmental science journals, and she asked me to take a survey about the convention center. If I took it, I would be automatically entered to win an e-reader. I took the survey with mixed feelings. I didn't really want an e-reader, but I did want to take the survey on her fancy-schmansy iPad. 

Maybe the real question is this: forget the e-reader, do I secretly want an iPad?