Thursday, October 7, 2010

For the Love of David Sedaris

David Sedaris is quite possibly my favorite living writer. Finally he has put out a new book called Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary. I really shouldn't say "finally a new book" because  it hasn't been that long since the last one, but I guess it just seems like a long wait when the man is so hilarious.

Here is a lovely interview with Mr. Sedaris


  1. David Sedaris is at the top of my “never read on the train” list of authors. While reading his books I am susceptible to spontaneous and uncontrollable outbursts of hyena -like laughter. I actually saw him at the Keswick a few years ago and his stories are even funnier when he reads them in person.

  2. I completely agree! I can't read him in public because people would think there was something wrong with me. I think maybe the next best thing to seeing him in person would be to listen to his books on tape. I would have to prepare myself for the added level of funny. :-)
